Тест с ответами на тему: «Местоимения something, everything, nothing, nobody»

1. I don’t know __ who plays the harp.
a) somebody
b) anybody+
c) anything

2. I want to tell you __.
a) anybody
b) anything
c) something+

3. Did you bring ______ you need for the trip?
a) no
b) any
c) nothing
d) everything+

4. If there is ______ you need you can call me, okay?
a) anything+
b) any
c) nothing
d) everythingэ

5. I can’t find my bag ___________________ . I have put it on a chair and now I can’t see it there.
a) somewhere
b) anywhere+
c) nowhere

6. Molly hasn’t got ___________________ to write on.
a) something
b) anything+
c) nothing

7. I know ___________________ about your town. Will you tell me something about it?
a) something
b) nothing+
c) everything

8. Will you give me ___________________ to drink, please? I’m thirsty.
a) something+
b) anything
c) nothing

9. Did you see __ in the house?
a) anybody+
b) somebody
c) something

10. Can I do __ to help her?
a) something
b) anything+
c) anybody

11. He doesn’t know __ about my plans.
a) anything+
b) something
c) anybody

12. I don’t know ___________________ about the computer device.
a) something
b) anything+
c) nothing

13. I looked at the TV guide. There wasn’t ___________________ interesting on TV that day.
a) something
b) anything+
c) nothing

14. There are no chairs in the room; I have ___________________ to sit on.
a) something
b) anything
c) nothing+

15. The cinema is free. It doesn’t cost ___________________ to go in.
a) something
b) anything+
c) nothing

16. Is there ___________________ in the corner of the room? — No, I can see nothing there.
a) something
b) anything+
c) nothing

17. I think there is ______ wrong with my VCR. It is not working very well.
a) anything
b) nothing
c) something+
d) everything

18. My friend’s decisions have ______ to do with me.
a) nothing+
b) anything
c) someone
d) any

19. My mom asked me how I was, and I said ______ was fine.
a) anything
b) something
c) any
d) everything+

20. Can I take one of your magazine? — Of course. Take ___________________ you like.
a) something
b) anything+
c) nothing

21. He thinks he knows everything about ___________________ .
a) everybody+
b) somebody
c) anybody

22. I can’t find my pencils. I always put them somewhere and then look for them ___________________ .
a) somewhere
b) everywhere+
c) nowhere

23. Ann said ___________________ but I didn’t understand her.
a) something+
b) anything
c) nothing

24. Hello! Is ___________________ home? Where is everybody? — Please, don’t shout, Sam. I am in the kitchen and your father is in the garden.
a) somebody
b) anybody+
c) nobody

25. Look! ___________________ has broken the window.
a) somebody+
b) anybody
c) nobody

26. ___________________ can answer this question. It is very simple.
a) Someone
b) Anyone+
c) No one

27. Luce has gone away, but she didn’t tell ___________________ where she was going.
a) someone
b) anyone+
c) no one

28. Maxine hasn’t got ___________________ to play with.
a) somebody
b) anybody+
c) nobody

29. ___________________ knows anything about his background.
a) Somebody
b) Anybody
c) Nobody+

30. You are right. ___________________ you say is true.
a) something
b) nothing
c) everything+

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